Bluehost Web Hosting Help
SourceGuardian Install
SourceGuardian is already installed on the server of your hosting account. To get your scripts to use SourceGuardian, there are two things that must be done.First, you need to get a template php.ini with SourceGuardian already configured in it. This can be accomplished by doing the following:
- Log in to your Bluehost cPanel account.
- Under Programming choose PHP Config icon
- Scroll down to Additional extensions available for Installation and check the box labeled SourceGuardian.
- Click Save Changes. That will place php.ini file with the name of php.ini.default in your public_html folder.
Second, you need to rename the file from "php.ini.default" to be "php.ini" and place into whichever folder you need SourceGuardian installed. You can do that using the File Manager in the cPanel, FTP or SSH.

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